Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine's Day Date

Valentine's Day... the dreaded holiday for singles is always a challenge for me. Each year, however, I end up making something fun come of it.

2005 - Double date with Ben & Jerry. Erika's idea to eat some ice cream and watch movies with hot men in them.

2006 - Same Ben & Jerry concept, though we added Stacy to our soiree.

2007 - Dinner at Monical's followed by "Music and Lyrics" at the Palace theater with the girls.

2008 - Pizza and Trains with Grant Zimmerman! :) Mark and Rita wanted a night out and I have Thursday nights open, so it was a deal. I had so much fun! Grant is getting so big and more aware of things. He was also very excited to play with Miss Julie. As soon as I walked in the door, he rushed to greet me with a little bag of heart-shaped brownies that he had "helped" Rita make for me. I had barely taken my coat off when he instructed Mom and Dad to leave. We had some serious train tracks to build!

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